My name is Beeara Edmonds (pronounced Bee-are-ah). I I offer my services as a integrative massage, craniosacral and acupressure therapist in my home office in southeast Corvallis, Oregon.
My intention in working with people is to recognize and honor the inherent health that is in their systems, making space for and inviting it to express itself in ways more vibrant and pain free. I believe that all of us need support at times, whether it be to attain greater health, alleviate pain or work through stressful times in our lives. I also believe that there is much that each of us can do individually to prevent problems down the line. If we take care now to keep our level of stress manageable and invite the life force to be potent within us, we are more likely to continue in good health as we move through all the stages of our lives.
Though I happily work with people of all ages and health, I especially feel honored working with perinatal (prenatal through postpartum) women at this very important juncture of their lives. I also, take great pleasure in working with children, integrating some of my past experience in early childhood education.
I teach an array of classes, for clients seeking to empower themselves with more tools for healing and also for other massage therapists. Currently, because I prefer to be working hands on or teaching, not the office work of promoting classes, I’ve been offering them when I hear an interest expressed. So, feel free to look over the offerings and perhaps we can get something going.
In my leisure, I enjoy organic gardening, being in nature, dancing, cycling, and cooking healthy food. I’m committed to living my life in a way that helps nourish a more peaceful, sustainable and happy world.
Beeara has inherent within her a tenderness that’s blended with true grace. I can honestly say I’ve never felt as satisfied and soothed in the deeper levels of my being as from Beeara’s support. This may sound like a sales pitch, but anyone that’s focusing on feeling and loving themselves more deeply deserves the gift I experience from her.
— O.B., Lyons, CO
*license #11734